Basics of Personal Finances you must know in your in 20’s

     Financial Literacy is very important in your life and if you become financially literate and learn how to handle money, then maybe you won’t have problems in your life and you will know how to use money properly, your life will become easier, and you will reach one step closer to becoming rich. Personal finance is a vast field and can seem a little intimidating at first sight. There are many big words like risk, returns, and Mutual Funds. What actually are these? If you start in your 20s, then you can get many advantages. Today we will talk about 4 things that can make you richer in life. In this article, we will discuss 4 such ideas that you can implement in your life to make you more comfortable in the future, and increase your cash flow. Savings So now we’ll talk about savings. Everyone knows about savings, that we need to save money. But how do we do this? Most people call this the 50-30-20 rule, where you invest 50% of your inco...

Top 5 habits of successful people | Million Dollar Habits (Summary)

A very important discovery of psychology and success

tell that 95% of things that we think we feel, take actions, and achieve are only because of our habits. In simple words, your habits are the main factors that'll decide what you get in life i.e. success or failure. Only a few people become successful because only a few people form important habits and make it a ritual and follow it daily which in return make them successful. So today I have shared five habits of successful people in this article that even we can follow and can make our New Year and entire life happy and better. And can become successful.

1.     High self-Concept:

When I was a child, I went shopping. At that time, a shop owner has told me something. Why he said, what the reason was, I had no clue. But I still remember his words clearly, which was, “Dear son, you have a really bright future. You will do a lot in Life.” Listening to this made me feel so great that I can't express what my feeling was. My innocent little brain considered it as a fact and even my self-concept formed that way. Yes I will surely do something great and so a lot in life. From that two-line statement I had created so many positive meanings because of which my self-concept has increased a lot. Even, for now, I have the same self-concept. As I know that yes, I will do a lot and great things in my life. Similarly, many experiences take place in our life, some positive experience and some negative which create and form different Self-concepts in us from childhood whose impact sometimes remains in our life forever. Suppose if our subconscious brain is a computer then Self-Concept will be its master program which works as a brain Operating system. Our actions, feelings, and also our achievement depends on the Self Concept.  The Self-Concept which your subconscious brain has created only that much achievement you can get in any part of your life.  Example:  If your self-concept is related to money is that you can earn only 30 thousand per month, not more than that. So in reality also, you will able to earn only 30 thousand per month, not more than that. On the Another side supposes if you lose your job and you get a chance to join another job at low income. Then your brain will come up with different ideas and will make you do hard work to reach up to 30 thousand. One more example for the same perspective, No matter how good a speaker you are since childhood but if you think that at the stage you will deliver a bad speech. Because of this self-concept, there is a lot of chance that you will give a bad speech and will continue giving a bad speech until you change your self-concept. Because the fact is, No matter how good and capable you are in any field, If your self-concept is low, you will not able to perform anything nicely even if you are capable enough. Hence always remember habit no.1 and always try to keep Self Concept high.

2.     Self-Discipline:

I had a negative perception of discipline. Maybe due to school’s forceful discipline or maybe because I have seen in Bollywood movies, those who follow discipline are usually bad and boring,  And a cool dude or a cool protagonist never follow discipline, But the actual reality is the world’s coolest and successful people follow the discipline and it is the main reason for them to become successful. I have no idea, how exactly you take self-discipline as but the best definition for this has been given by Elbert Hubbert which is, Self-Discipline is the ability to make yourself do, what you should do when you should do it, whether you feel, like it or not.  Suppose you decide that from tomorrow you will get up early in the morning by 6 am. So doing this requires more Self-discipline than motivation. Because through motivation you will get up at once, twice or maybe a week. But with self-discipline, you will follow it through Lifetime because of which your self-esteem and confidence will also increase. Because Self Discipline impacts a lot on self-esteem. After taking a serious decision, the maximum action you will take, the more confidence will increase and the more successful you can become. This is the habit which helps rich people to finish their work on time and to move ahead in their life. So habit no 2 with the use of repetition for self-discipline in your selves.

3.     Feed Mind with mental protein:

Just like our body, even our brain requires a proper diet for its best performance. Here, diet doesn't mean anything related to food, here it means mental things that our brain consumes daily like information, knowledge. If you want your brain to work to make you happy, successful and to make you move ahead in life and not by making you sad lazy, and unsuccessful then you always need to give your brain positive information and knowledge. Do not give your brain negative information, which is given by the media nowadays. You must know that sports cars like Ferrari, Lamborghini, and many other luxurious cars never advertised themselves on television. Why…….? Because they know that people who are capable enough to take that car will not waste their time on watching Television meaning they do not fill their brain with unhealthy diets, such as negativity shown in media and television. Because they knew this will not help them in long term, instead it will consume their time and bring negativity to them. Hence the most common habit which every successful person follows and even you have to follow it,  always give your brains a healthy and positive diet such as positive information and knowledge  Now you are reading this article means you want to improve your life and want to make it better which is a very positive thing. Usually people open YouTube to watch entertainment kinds of stuff, which is not so wrong. But all these things are like junk food. Watching it sometimes is right but if we consume it daily or maximum time, it will make our brain negative and unhealthy which will reduce our chances of becoming successful.

4.     Daily Goal Setting:

To achieve any goal managing our time properly is the most important point. The author says, if our life is a solar system then time management is a sun and everything is a planet that revolves around the sun. Hence if we learn to manage our time properly, it becomes easier for us to achieve our goals. How we should do proper time management? Before going to sleep, decide and make a list in which put down all the work which you need to finish tomorrow and for sure write that one task which will help you to reach closer to your goal. This Habit will surely take you forward in life.

5.     Health Orientation:

There is one difference between successful and unsuccessful people, which I have noticed many times. Successful people always take care of their health by doing yoga exercise and by doing proper diet whereas unsuccessful people never take care of their health while working and doing hard work they forget about their health which results after few years their health begins to deteriorate, eventually they become sick. You must have noticed, nowadays people are seen more at doctors place, at hospitals. Because of it, they waste their time and money, for which they work so hard and destroy their precious health, then again money and time they used to get back their health. Even I used to think of diet and exercise as wastage and rich people's tantrums and show off. But later I had realized that all these things are very important in our life no matter how rich and successful we become, if our health is not proper, we will not feel good and happy even if we stay in the world's most beautiful bungalow or ride any luxurious car. Successful people know how important health is hence they always take care of their health. They know if they will be healthy then only they will feel happy and energetic and can give their100% concentration at work which will give them the best results and will help them to move ahead in life.  So I personally request you all start taking care of your health, do exercise to make yourself physically fit and strong, and do Yoga to make yourself mentally active and peaceful. These things will help you to give your 100 % and will help you to become successful. I have shared this knowledge with you all from the book “Million Dollar Habits” by Brain Tracy. In this book, the author has explained many useful habits that will help you to become successful. So if you want to understand everything in detail, you can buy this book and read it and Finally Thanks for reading this article

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