Basics of Personal Finances you must know in your in 20’s

    Financial Literacy is very important in your life and if you become financially literate and learn how to handle money, then maybe you won’t have problems in your life and you will know how to use money properly, your life will become easier, and you will reach one step closer to becoming rich. Personal finance is a vast field and can seem a little intimidating at first sight. There are many big words like risk, returns, and Mutual Funds. What actually are these? If you start in your 20s, then you can get many advantages. Today we will talk about 4 things that can make you richer in life. In this article, we will discuss 4 such ideas that you can implement in your life to make you more comfortable in the future, and increase your cash flow.


So now we’ll talk about savings. Everyone knows about

savings, that we need to save money. But how do we do this? Most people call this the 50-30-20 rule, where you invest 50% of your income on your needs, 30% on your wants, luxuries, or other things, and the remaining 20%, you can keep collecting it as an emergency fund or an investment fund. Depending on the money you save, you will get your savings or investment fund, through which you can increase your wealth and income. Think about two people whose salaries are the same. Out of both of them, one of them saves Rs.5000 per month, which makes Rs.60,000 per year. The other one saves Rs.1000 per month, which makes Rs.12,000 per year. The person who’s saving the money also might invest it and they’re ahead of where they were a year ago. One who saved Rs.12000, spent the money on their life and enjoyed their lifestyle but they are in the same place, where they were a year ago. Wealth doesn’t grow only by saving money. So how will you increase your wealth? Wealth increases from passive income.

Passive Income

What is ‘Passive Income’? A passive income is a money you earn without having to work or exert effort for it. After working, whether you sit or sleep, money should keep flowing in your account. Most of the people rely on their efforts and active income, i.e. their business or salary income, for making their life better. To increase their salary, these people will keep putting in their strength and efforts. Alternatively, you can make your money work for you. Also, there are people who make their money run for them. After working, these people can sit and see their money grow.


In your 20s, another important concept is ‘insurance’. What is ‘Insurance’? Sometimes, I will pay a company in advance so that, in the future, when I encounter difficulty or any unexpected costs, they will cover them for me. There are many types of insurance.  You can buy the insurance of a car, insurance of a house, medical insurance or even the insurance of your life.  Experts believe that, getting medical insurance in your 20s is a feasible option.  If you are healthy in your 20s, and want to buy medical insurance then you will be able to buy it in a lesser amount.  In our life we must have observed that most of the time these ‘unexpected expenses’ are medical expenses.  A research was conducted in America and they got to know that 62% of people had shortage of money due to medical expenses.  So that these situations don’t occur in your life, and you get the money on time during emergencies, insurance is bought.  If you are the sole earner in your family, if you are earning for your family, then you can give life insurance a thought.  If something happens to you in the future, then life insurance gives your family payment and coverage, so that in the future, they can handle their life on their own.  You will see very different and very complex products.  But if you are starting now, please keep your eyes only on simple insurance.


Now we’ll talk about loans or debts.  You might have

heard in your house that loans and debts are not good things, and we shouldn’t take loans or debts throughout our lives.  Loans and debts should be taken for things that you need or things that will improve your life.  If you need a bike or scooter to travel to work, or you need an education loan to get a good degree, taking debts for these things is logical. So now we will talk about credit cards. Credit cards have become common these days.  Many people use credit cards.  But people don’t know that credit cards are just debts taken for a month.  If you don’t pay your credit card bills by the end of the month, then every coming month, you are just adding more and more interest to that bill from your income. So if you are buying useless things from your credit card like if you are doing online shopping and not paying your whole credit card bill for months, then you will keep paying interest from your income.

So in this article, we learned about some different concepts of finance, and understood that how these different concepts of finance can help us increase our life and make it better. But friends, the money is yours, the savings are yours and the wealth is yours, then the responsibility should also be yours.


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