Basics of Personal Finances you must know in your in 20’s

Imagine a Rich man who doesn't have any stress or pressure. He doesn't have to do any kind of work. He just sits at home, spends the entire day relaxing, eating. On the other hand, there is a poor man whose life is difficult, and his life is filled with mental and physical stressors and pressures, he deals with them with all his courage. Now, just think in your mind who will be stronger mentally and physically...? The poor man. Because he faced all his stressors and pressures which made him stronger. Similarly, we can see that the villagers are still stronger even after getting aged compare to the young towns’ folk. These things tell us more the stressors, the more will be the long term benefits. This principle is also useful for other aspects of life and areas. Like for medication, Hormesis is one of the medical procedures in which the patient is given a small dose of Toxic Material.
As a result of which, the patient recovers and gets immune. Vaccination and Allergic medicine somehow work on these principles. For vaccination, the Doctor injects some of the Pathogens of the disease in our body to which our immunity system fights, and become stronger and recovers from the disease. If I give example from another perspective then the books which get banned, people read those books much more, compare to the others, and banned books become more popular.There are many other things, which we feel are affecting us and other kinds of stuff. But actually, those things are more beneficial. Now, we all understood that stressors are beneficial for us. But to get an advantage from it, there is a need for an important condition which we call ‘Recovery’. If we do the gym as per our limit and relax our body after the workouts then the fiber and muscles break due to exercise will get replaced by the new and
stronger ones. But if we continuously exercise without relaxing and giving a recovery time then it will damage our body. Similarly, for any stressors recovery time is very important. Our biggest problem is nowadays, we all are running behind the fragile things, which we call a comfortable life. We are trying to make things as predictable as possible means everything just needs to be the way we want. Now having such thinking is like asking for 12 months to be alike, neither too hot nor too cold, the same temperature with no changes. Thinking this way is a little stupid because even if it happens it will not benefit us. We will be bored in our lives and will become emotionally fragile. Suppose there is a man who reaches home exactly at 7 pm, not a minute sooner or a minute later. He is so punctual about his time that family members can set their watch time by seeing him. No such person come 10 minutes late at home, those 10 minutes will give a heart attack to the family members. This will happen because we humans become weak and Fragile without some randomness. Why travelers enjoy their life? Because their life is full of stressors and randomness. Similarly, Gamblers enjoy because they do not know what will happen next in their life. This unpredictability gives them a lot of pleasure. Likewise, even in our lives, there is a need to be little randomness otherwise we will be like a fragile Robot, who in reality doesn't know what exactly life is. The anti-Fragile principle is also applied for confidence means true confidence will not come in you when everything that happens with you is positive or good but the true confidence will come, when most of the time bad and negative things happen to you still it doesn't affect you.I know nobody likes negative experiences in their lives. But in reality, those negative experience helps us more to grow. Suppose you went on a stage to give a speech and you delivered a wonderful speech. People loved your speech so much that they started giving
wonderful comments to you praised you. You will feel that you have that confidence in you which is true. You have built confidence but that will not be true confidence instead, true confidence will be when you go to the stage and deliver your speech, people laugh at you, they start making fun of you but still, all these things should not affect you. Again you go to the stage with a lot more confidence in you. When you become like this, then that will be your true confidence and to get more confidence there will be only one way, to go on stage again and again and to deliver the speech. No matter how uncomfortable you feel. To put ourselves into a negative situation and into the things we are afraid about will build more confidence and slowly it will make you Anti-fragile. These ideas I have shared with you all is from the book Anti-Fragile by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, which taught me how we can grow in our lives by becoming Anti-Fragile.
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