
Basics of Personal Finances you must know in your in 20’s

     Financial Literacy is very important in your life and if you become financially literate and learn how to handle money, then maybe you won’t have problems in your life and you will know how to use money properly, your life will become easier, and you will reach one step closer to becoming rich. Personal finance is a vast field and can seem a little intimidating at first sight. There are many big words like risk, returns, and Mutual Funds. What actually are these? If you start in your 20s, then you can get many advantages. Today we will talk about 4 things that can make you richer in life. In this article, we will discuss 4 such ideas that you can implement in your life to make you more comfortable in the future, and increase your cash flow. Savings So now we’ll talk about savings. Everyone knows about savings, that we need to save money. But how do we do this? Most people call this the 50-30-20 rule, where you invest 50% of your income on your needs, 30% on your wants, luxurie

History of Artificial Intelligence

  Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence,  is  intelligence  demonstrated by  machines , unlike the natural intelligence displayed by  humans  and  animals . Leading AI textbooks  define the field as the study of " intelligent agents ": any device that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of successfully achieving its goals. Colloquially, the term "artificial intelligence" is often used to describe machines (or computers) that mimic "cognitive" functions that humans associate with the  human mind , such as "learning" and "problem-solving      So where it all started? To understand these let's get into the history of it.   Rossum’s Universal Robots (R.U.R.): In 1920 the Czech writer Karel Čapek published a science fiction play named Rossumovi Univerzální Roboti (Rossum’s Universal Robots), also better known as R.U.R. The play introduced the word robot. R.U.R. deals with a factory,

How does Computer field help in Mechanical Engineering?

When you think of a Mechanical engineer, the very first thing that comes in your mind is a guy under a vehicle repairing the same. But rather than only dealing with hardware, Mechanical engineers design things like robotics, factory automation systems, and machines of all types. In eras past, engineers were used to doing that with pencils, erasers, and drafting boards. In the computer’s age, engineers get the job done faster and more efficiently using computer-aided design software programs and plotters. Simply put, information technology provides mechanical engineers with the tools they need to do their jobs. 1.     CAD Software : First-generation computer-aided drafting software programs have evolved into the computer-aided design (CAD) programs of today. CAD software programs are graphics-rich to allow engineers the ability to create three-dimensional models of their designs. These programs also perform complex calculations, helping engineers to create detailed specifications. As

9 types of intelligence explained

     So finally most awaited 10th and 12th results are out in such a scariest situation. I hope everyone had scored well and if not, don’t lose hope and give your best next time. After the results, the main race of the exam appeared students and their parents start. Which stream should they select to give the best to build their future? Here’s an article that will solve their problem and help them for sure.      Firstly parents should listen to their children about their skills, hobbies, dreams and should not put them in the wrong stream further resulting in mental health, depression, and further suicide. The intelligence of any student cannot be judged by their marks. According to Howard Gardner, there are nine types of intelligence. Our education system focuses only on one type of intelligence which is stupid. Let’s understand all of them. 1. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: The person having the ability to solve problems especially mathematical ones and the ability to manage thi

Truth of old Indian Education System

Over 80% of graduates are unemployable for any job  in India. Students are committing suicide in every 90 minutes. Is there any fault in our education system? Here I tried to conclude good and bad aspects of our education system.  Firstly, let’s get into the history of Indian Education System. In 19 th century Britishers arrived in India and started developing their industries to rule over India. For which they required clerks, military forces and factory workers. So Britishers developed a training system where creativity was not required. The purpose of this system was to create well filled minds rather than well-formed minds which did and still doing justice to left brained person who’re more logical, better at mathematics and problem solving and possibly at languages and those who loves structured work. Those can be great corporate employee. On the other hand right brained people are more creative, better in any art and visualization. These guys will love to work in free space. T

How to be Rich? - Dad Poor Dad (Summary)

     I was completely bored at home due to lock-down so I decided to read a book. In my whole life this was the first time when I decided to read a book other than academics related books. So I searched for ‘which book should I read?’ on Google, YouTube and various other platforms to start my journey of reading. And I started this journey with well-known book called ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ by Robert T. Kiyosaki and tried to summarize it all.      Robert was having two fathers. Oops… Don’t take it in wrong way. One was his real father and other was his best friend’s father. His real dad was well educated, well-read while other has never passed 8 th class. Both were smart and hardworking but their mentalities were totally different. Both were teaching different things to Robert. First dad was teaching him that money is root of all evil and was stopping Robert to think about expensive things while according to his other dad lack of money is root of all evil and Robert should think about exp

आशेचा किरण

         गेल्या काही दिवसांत, काहीही ठीक झालेले नाही. या विषाणूमुळे जगभरात १ कोटी लोकांना संसर्ग झाला आहे आणि त्याने जणू संपूर्ण जगच थांबविलं आहे. ज्यामुळे आपण बेरोजगारी, आर्थिक संकट, पाहुणचार आणि पर्यटन क्षेत्रातील तोटा आणि काय नाही हे पाहिलयं . जगभरातील शास्त्रज्ञ किमान १४५ लसांवर काम करत आहेत ज्यापैकी २१ लसी मानवी चाचण्यांमध्ये दाखल झाल्या आहेत. आणि कोणत्या क्षणापर्यंत हे असे चालणार आहे? कोणाकळेच याचे उत्तर नाही. पण या सर्वांमध्ये काहीतरी चांगले घडले आहे. भारताच्या दोन उमेदवारांना मानवी क्लिनिकल चाचण्यांसाठी मान्यता मिळाली आहे आणि कोरोना व्हायरस लसींच्या शर्यतीत भारताने प्रवेश केला आहे.           भारतीय वैद्यकीय संशोधन परिषद (आयसीएमआर), नवी दिल्ली आणि राष्ट्रीय विषाणू विज्ञान संस्था (एनआयव्ही), पुणे यांच्या संयुक्त विद्यमाने भारत बायोटेक इंटरनेशनल लिमिटेड हे पहिले उमेदवार आहेत. या लसीला ‘कोवाक्सिन’ असे नाव देण्यात आले आहे. हे 'सार्स कोव्ह -२' च्या निष्क्रिय कणांचा वापर करून कार्य करते. विषाणूचे हे कण एखाद्या व्यक्तीस संक्रमित होण्यापासून रोखण्यासाठी कार्य करतात. त्या व्यक्ती

Choice is yours...

On an afternoon, I was using my social media and suddenly I got a po pup on mobile. I checked that popup and what I saw was  shocking, not only for me but for whole world. News was ‘a rising star Sushant Singh Rajput committed suicide at his Bandra,s house’. I thought that was fake news so I started TV and the news was absolutely true and shocking. For next 3-4 hours I was completely blank. The news was hurting but more hurting was what news channels were doing. At that heartbreaking moment news reporters were interviewing Sushant's dad. Next day last rites of Sushant were done and on social media new battle of outsider and star-kid started. If your dad has a business then after his you will be owner of that business. Because every parent will do something for his/her child . So you can't blame any of star kid. But in film industry it's all yours choice to watch their movies or not. Tell me honestly, how many of you have seen Sonchiriya and Detective Byomkesh Bakshi in thea

ते स्वप्न ...

        एके दिवशी मी माझ्या घरी निवांतपणे अंथरुणावर झोपलेलो होतो आणि मला एक भयानक स्वप्न दिसलं . त्या स्वप्नाने मला तर झोप येणं बंद झालयं तुम्ही पण बघा वाचून एकदा !          तो एक सर्वसामान्य दिवस होता . आमच्या अभियांत्रिकी महाविद्यालयाचे सराव पेपर सुरु होते . बरोबर ओळखलंत तुम्ही तेच पेपर जे तुम्हाला कुठेच मदत करत नाहीत ,ना विद्यापीठाच्या परीक्षेत आणि आयुष्यात तर मुळीच नाही . नेहमी प्रमाणे मी सकाळी उठलो ,आणि एका अभियांत्रिकी बॅकग्राऊंडचा असल्या मुले पास होण्यापुरता थोडासा अभ्यास केला . त्याच दिवशी माझ्या मित्रांमधील एका गाढवाचा वाढदिवस होता . आमचा बेत ठरला होता पास होण्यापुरता पेपर लिहायचा आणि बर्थडे पार्टी सेलेब्रेट करायला हॉटेलात जाऊन मस्त जनावरासारखा खायचं आणि घरी जाऊन झोपायचं . आणि तो दिवस तसा गेला .           दुस ऱ्या दिवशी सकाळी उठलो आणि मोबाइल बघतो तर काय कुठल्या तरी एका व्हायरस ने सर्वत्र धुमाकूळ घातलेला होता . कॉलेज च्या पण ग्रुपवर मेसेज आला होता कि या व्हायरस मुळे आपले कॉलेज पुढची नोटीस येई पर्यंत बंद राहील . आम्हाला या व्हायरसची कसलीच भीती नव्हती ,कारण आम्ही तर महाराष्ट्रात